Thursday, January 16, 2014

Body Image

I don't know why, but I've been hearing ALOT of people complaining about their looks lately. Mostly women, but men as well. And it's just breaking my heart and simultaniously pissing me off.

I think Savannah Brown did a great job with her Slam Poem about body image, self love, self acceptance and the way media/society has made every human belittle themselves. We're never enough, never smart enough, never pretty enough. But that's a whole lot of bullcrap! We are all beautiful, interesting people, no matter what size, shape or form we're in, no matter gender, skin tone or sexuality, we are all humans.
I'm just tired of seeing these wonderful people, that I love, hate on their own looks. I mean come on, you are frickin' stunning, can't you see that? I truly wish they could see themselves through my eyes. Then they wouldn't want to change a thing.
Happiness, feeling good about yourself, has nothing to do with your looks, really. I mean if you feel like crap, and you only change how you look, that won't fix your problems, it won't make that crappy feeling go away. It will just change how your outsides look. Sure, that might make you a bit more confident, for a while, who knows, but it won't make all of your problems flutter away. You are worthy of love, happiness and all the joy life can bring, just the way you are, right now. Try your best, but remember to be kind to yourself, Love yourself. It doesn't matter what anyone else think about you. What You think about You, is what's important.
And what you give, you'll recieve. Do you want more compliments, give compliments. Do you want people to be honest with you, be honest with others. Do you want people to treat you nicely, treat others nicely. But most of all, be kind to yourself, give yourself compliments. Do what you love and are passionate about.
I want you, yeah, You, to know that you are such an amazing and Awesome person. You are loved and just utterly wonderful. Thank you for existing!
And remember: "You're a goddamn treasure, whether you believe it or not."
Much Love. //Lisa.

Fullmoon madness

I think it's a full moon out tonight. And damn, I've been emotional today/tonight. Woke up, couldn't get out of bed for an hour and a half. Felt sort of depressed the entire day. Wanted to cry for no apparent reason. One of my sisters gave me a snarky comment when I forgot to tell her I wouldn't join her for dinner, and that made me feel really bad. It just totally slipped my mind that I should have said that before it was time for dinner. so when my other sister came to eat dinner at my place, she barely had time to say hello before I started crying. So yeah, that happened. (I don't usually cry much, especially not infront of people.)
I'm having a cold, and my apartment is freezing, so that's not really helping the entire 'I-feel-shitty'-experience. and I'm stressed out about my work training place, because I can't work there, my body is in more pain than usual and I just don't see how this will work. I love the place, and the people I work with there, but my health has gotten worse since I started, and I can't have that. All I want right now is to go back to my previous work training place, with a new handler and continue my work training in that stressfree environment, where my health is thriving and I just feel at home there. I know I will end up there when I start my own company.(Holistic healthcare company) and that will be awesome. But both my health and my job experience would benefit from being at my old work training place. Because I could really use the practical practice of my holistic education that I would probably get there too. But for some reason the job center is only giving me reasons why I can't be there, and it's lame ass excuses and it's pissig me off!
And all of this just makes me feel like shit right now, and I'm just tired. Please, the Universe, or God, or Gods or Goddesses or whoever run the show, will you please make everything fall into place for me? that would be neat, thanks.
It sucks hitting these low, dark, destructive points, when you've been so much higher and lighter in spirit before. I don't want to go back to how I was feeling when I first started to get sick, and it's sort of those feelings I've been having lately and I think it scares me a bit. I don't want to be that person anymore. I want to be joyous, optimistic Lisa, who's not tied down by her illness, but who is ready to live life to the fullest. This is probably just a fluke, and I'll probably feel better when things have cleared up a bit. I just have to try and take care of myself, make myself relax and slow down. Breathe. It'll be allright. I know it will.
But I wouldn't mind a hug or two, right now, anyways.~