Monday, November 11, 2013

Who is your role model?

So I'm on tumblr, added this askbox-game thingy to my blog:
Buffy the vampire slayer Askbox game:
Put a character in my inbox!
  • Buffy: Who is your role model?
  • Willow: If you could cast any spell what would it be?
  • Xander: What is your favourite joke?
  • Giles: What is your favourite book?
  • Angel: Do you have a secret side to your personality?
  • Spike: What is your guilty tv pleasure?
  • Dawn: Name one thing you would defend with your life
  • Anya: If you had one wish what would it be?
  • Tara: Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • Faith: 3 Turn ons and 3 Turn offs
  • Cordelia: Appearance or personality? (or both?)
  • Oz: Favourite band/singer?
And I got the question: Buffy: Who is your role model? by an anonymous person and this was my answer:
"Oh, anon, you ask me the hardest questions.
I don’t really have a role model, per se, but I do admire Misha Collins for being such an incredible human being. He’s caring, I mean Random Acts and all the charity work that involves, for one thing. Also that he is very much himself. And I think that is so very important to be comfortable enough to really be yourself around others. And he has a great sense of humour. And all of those traits are important to me.
Also I admire Jennifer Lawrence, for alot of the same reasons as Misha, the being yourself, even though you’re a celebrity-part. But she has also said some pretty amazing things about body image. "You look how you look, you have to be comfortable. What are you going to do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That’s just dumb." And I wholeheartedly share her view on that.
Joss Whedon is also a person I admire alot. His great skill of writing, creating characters that are believable and that you resonate with so strongly. Creating shows and characters that are so important to the world. I mean he’s awesome at writing strong female characters, and male characters that are okay with female strength. And his contribution to Equality Now, his speeches there has been quite amazing. (X) (X) (Yes, I know that in his shows he has worked with a crazy amount of awesome writers, directors and songwriters, and so on, so all the credit shouldn’t go to him alone. And I adore each and every one of the people involved in making Joss’s shows so great. But he does deserve some of the credit too. He was the creator of Buffy, the man with the vision, so I thank him for that, for starters.)
But I mean there are So many awesome people out there, not only celebrities. My family, my friends all have qualities that I love and admire. And there are so many people, known and unknown, who has said some really smart stuff that resonates with me, so yeah. Pretty much Everyone is my role model, in one way or another! We can all learn from each other, but also from ourselves!
"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." - Thich Nhat Hanh."

I just wanted to share this here on my blog as well. Just to get some of my views and thoughts and feelings out about things.~

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