Saturday, November 9, 2013

Midnight thoughts - weekend, ideals and being happy.

Right now I'm at my parents house. In Sweden we celebrate Fathers Day this Sunday, so I decided to go visit my family for the weekend.
I just wanted to share a picture of myself and my cat Tula. (She's my family's cat, so she lives with my parents.) But isn't she just the cutest thing you've ever seen? <3 She was a bit cranky today, though. Kept wagging her tail, even though she clearly wanted me to pet her. Sending me quite mixed signals. I think she's just upset that my sister brought her dogs with her here.

We watched Swedish Idol tonight, and that got me thinking a bit. There's one judge who keeps telling this one girl that she's not an Idol, that she's more of a broadway star or something. That she/he (the judge) is looking for an artist, the whole package. But the thing is, this girl that she/he's complaining about is awesome. She sings beautifully and she's stunning. And tonight she really brought it, great stage presence. And still the judge could only tell her she did 'ok' and that she still isn't Idol material. And it's pissing me off, because the only thing this judge is seeing as a problem with this girl, is her weight.
And that's the issue here, weight. Why do we, in this society, focus so much on how much we weight? On how we look. Isn't it more important that we feel good, that we are healthy and happy? (Yes, you can be happy, healthy and feel good, no matter how big or small your body is.) I mean beauty is such a weird concept. We get this image from the media, an ideal, that is pretty close to impossible to achieve,(hello, everyone's photoshopped) and that one way of looking is the only way to look beautiful, according to magazines and television. Which just makes everyone feel like shit about their appearance. And it's total bullcrap! There are so many ways of being beautiful. And the most beautiful people are the ones who are happy, who are kind. Who are themselves, who are comfortable with themselves.
I know so many people who just never are content with how they look, and it's making me so sad. Because I find these people so beautiful and I just wished they could see how pretty they are. I mean, I've been fighting alot with self-confidence, and all that jazz, my entire life. It's not really until this year that I've honestly started to appreciate how I look. Ever since I stopped trying to figure out what everyone else finds beautiful and try to be that, when I started taking care of myself. Stopped focusing on how I looked. Trying to make myself feel better. Focusing on what I want, and what I like. Everything just falls into place. Don't do things because other people tell you you should. Do things because it's what You want.
And you gotta stop thinking that everyone is judging you. Because most people are too busy judging themselves to have time to even give you a second thought. And just try to have a positive way of thinking. Like attracts like, after all. And stop judging yourself, give yourself a frickin' break. Give yourself a pepptalk instead. Focus on what you like about yourself. Your smile, your eyes, your cooking skills, etc. Give yourself compliments. The only person you need to impress, who's love for you is most important, is yourself. You have the power and skill to change your life however you want it. Do you want to be happy? Great, decide to be happy, and be happy.
And also, what you want in your life, you gotta give. Do you wish that people would hug you more? Well, start giving hugs to people, they'll start hugging you back. Do you want compliments on how you look? Give compliments to others and it'll come back to you sooner or later. You want people to tell you how they feel about you? Start telling them how you feel about them. You see where I'm going with this? yeah, great, try it sometime.

Good night! //Lisa.

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